本文摘要:The EU is set to issue the biggest cartel fine in its history, punishing Europe’s largest truckmakers over charges that they fixed prices and delayed the introduction of new emission technologies.欧盟(EU)将要班车其历史上金额最低的反垄断罚单,以因涉嫌操控价格并延期引进新的废气技术为由,对欧洲各大卡车制造商展开惩处。

The EU is set to issue the biggest cartel fine in its history, punishing Europe’s largest truckmakers over charges that they fixed prices and delayed the introduction of new emission technologies.欧盟(EU)将要班车其历史上金额最低的反垄断罚单,以因涉嫌操控价格并延期引进新的废气技术为由,对欧洲各大卡车制造商展开惩处。Margrethe Vestager, EU competition commissioner, issued the original charge sheet against DAF, Daimler, Iveco, Scania, MAN and Volvo/Renault in 2014. Four of those companies have now set aside provisions amounting to $2.6bn.2014年,欧盟竞争事务专员玛格丽特维斯特格(Margrethe Vestager)公布针对DAF卡车、戴姆勒(Daimler)、依维柯(Iveco)、斯堪尼亚(Scania)、曼卡车(MAN)以及沃尔沃/雷诺(Volvo/Renault)的指控单初稿。其中4家公司现在已为此拨备高达26亿美元的准备金。

People close to the discussions on penalties say that they are expecting the fine this year, possibly within weeks, unless there is a reversal by the European Commission.据理解有关罚金辩论的人士称之为,他们预计今年不会收到罚单,有可能在几周内——除非欧盟委员会(European Commission)转变态度。


