‘金年会金字招牌信誉至上’又见竞争对手合并 携程与去哪儿换股联姻
本文摘要:Two of China’s leading travel companies are teaming up to make the most of a bright spot in the Chinese economy.为抓住中国经济的众多亮点,中国两家业内领先的旅游企业要求合力。

Two of China’s leading travel companies are teaming up to make the most of a bright spot in the Chinese economy.为抓住中国经济的众多亮点,中国两家业内领先的旅游企业要求合力。Ctrip.com International, the Chinese travel-booking company, agreed on Monday to a stock transaction with Qunar Cayman Islands, a travel search engine, and both companies agreed to cooperate across different services.周一,中国旅游预约公司携程旅行网表示同意了与旅行搜索引擎去哪儿网的股票交易。两家公司表示同意在有所不同服务领域进行合作。

二者的上市实体分别为携程国际有限公司(Ctrip.com International)和去哪儿开曼群岛有限公司(Qunar Cayman Islands)。Baidu, which is the majority shareholder of Qunar, exchanged 178,702,519 Class A shares and 11,450,000 Class B shares for 11,488,381 newly issued ordinary shares in Ctrip.去哪儿的大股东百度将178702519股去哪儿的A类股和11450000股去哪儿的B类股,移位为携程回购的11488381股普通股。Baidu will now have a 25 percent voting interest in Ctrip, while Ctrip will have a 45 percent voting interest in Qunar.百度将享有携程25%的总投票权,携程则将享有去哪儿45%的总投票权。

Four Ctrip representatives have joined Qunar’s board, including James Liang, the chairman and chief executive, and Jane Sun, co-president and chief operating officer.携程的四名代表已重新加入去哪儿的董事会,还包括携程董事会主席兼任首席执行官梁建章(James Liang)和牵头总裁兼首席运营官孙洁(Jane Sun)。Robin Li, the chairman and chief executive of Baidu, and Tony Yip, the head of investments, mergers and acquisitions, have been appointed to Ctrip’s board.百度董事长兼任首席执行官李彦宏(Robin Li)和负责管理投资收购事务的叶卓东(Tony Yip)亦被任命为携程董事。

Qunar, whose name means “where to go” in Chinese, had taken a step toward integrating more tightly with Baidu in September. It gave Baidu another two seats on top of the three it already had on its board.The company has been pushing to broaden its offerings in the face of competition from groups backed by Alibaba and Tencent.今年9月,去哪儿就为了更加密切地与百度统合而迈向了一步,把百度在该公司董事会的席位从三个减少到五个。面临由阿里巴巴和腾讯反对的企业所包含的竞争,该公司仍然在谋求不断扩大产品和服务的范围。

Despite fears about the health of the Chinese economy, the travel market is still growing. Ctrip’s second-quarter revenue rose 47 percent, to $408 million, from a year ago. Qunar’srevenue increased 120 percent, to $142.1 million in the second quarter.尽管对中国经济的健康状况不存在忧虑,但旅游市场仍在快速增长。携程第二季度清净营业收入25亿元,同比快速增长47%。去哪儿第二季度总营收8.81亿元,同比快速增长120%。

Kaiser Kuo, the international communications director for Baidu, said the agreement with Ctrip would give Qunar more opportunities to cooperate on mobile search and map-based products.百度国际媒体公关总监郭怡广(Kaiser Kuo)回应,与携程达成协议的协议,将让去哪儿有更加多机会在移动搜寻和基于地图的产品上积极开展合作。He also said the two companies would be able to benefit from each others’ strengths in different markets.他还回应,两家公司都能通过对方在有所不同市场上的优势而受益。

“Ctrip is big on high end business travel, Qunar has been more leisure, personally booked travel,” he said. “We’re covering more bases, a broader demographic.”“携程在高端商务旅游方面做到得相当大,去哪儿更加休闲娱乐,是个人预约上下班,”他说道。“我们不会覆盖面积更加多客户群,不断扩大服务对象。”The travel industry is not the only sector that is seeing companies team up amid steep competition.竞争对手牵头一起的现象不仅再次发生在旅游业。Meituan, a group buying service, and Dianping, a consumer review site, agreed to join forces this month with the goal of creating an e-commerce juggernaut.本月,淘宝网站美团网和消费者评论网站大众评论网表示同意拆分,目标是建构一个电商巨头。


