本文摘要:For Apple, greater China has been one of its fastest growing markets for iPhone sales, so the company wants to more than double its presence there.对于苹果公司(Apple)来说,大中华区仍然是iPhone销售快速增长最慢的市场之一,因此,它想把这里的业务不断扩大一倍以上。

For Apple, greater China has been one of its fastest growing markets for iPhone sales, so the company wants to more than double its presence there.对于苹果公司(Apple)来说,大中华区仍然是iPhone销售快速增长最慢的市场之一,因此,它想把这里的业务不断扩大一倍以上。Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said in an interview with Sina, the Chinese media outlet, on Thursday that Apple planned to open 25 new retail stores in greater China over the next two years, adding to the 15 stores it currently operates in the region.周四,苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)在拒绝接受中国媒体新浪专访时说,未来两年,苹果计划在目前15家直营零售店的基础上,在大中华区再行开办25家新店。Mr. Cook essentially reiterated what he said earlier this week about Apple’s worldwide expansion in a call with analysts after the company released quarterly earnings results. But his comments to Chinese news outlets add emphasis to the company’s determination to expand in that market.库克实质上在申明本周早些时候在面向分析师的电话会议上提及的苹果全球扩展计划。不过,他对中国媒体所做到的评论凸显了苹果在这一市场上扩展的决意。

Many of the new stores he spoke of in the analysts’ call will be in greater China, which includes mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, which shows that Apple is hoping most of its future growth will come from there.他在与分析师的电话会议上提及的计划开办的新店中,许多将经常出现在由中国大陆、香港和台湾构成的大中华区。这表明出有,苹果将未来的大部分快速增长寄希望于这一地区。

Mr. Cook also told Sina that it was only a matter of time until most of Apple’s sales come from greater China. Over the last quarter, about 14 percent of Apple’s sales came from that region.库克还告诉他新浪,苹果今后的大部分销售将来自大中华区,这只是个时间问题。上个季度,这里贡献了苹果大约14%的销售额。

For Apple, becoming big in China is no easy feat. The Asian handset makers Xiaomi, Samsung, Lenovo, Yulong and Huawei dominate the Chinese market. Apple is No. 6. Apple also faces a particularly tough competitor in Xiaomi, which quickly rose to the top of the Chinese smartphone market with its unique business model of selling phones nearly at cost and making money from software and Internet services.对于苹果来说,在中国大大茁壮并非易事。在中国市场占到主导地位的是亚洲手机生产商:小米、三星(Samsung)、误解、宇龙和华为。

苹果的占有率仅有位列第六位。苹果还面对着来自小米的特别是在强大的竞争。凭借着独有的商业模式——完全以成本价销售手机,再行利用软件和互联网服务盈利——小米已很快沦为中国智能手机市场的领军者。However, there is lots of potential for Apple to become much bigger in China. In its third fiscal quarter, Apple’s revenue in China grew 28 percent compared to the same quarter a year ago. And this year Apple began selling iPhones on China Mobile, the largest phone carrier in the world, with about 800 million subscribers.不过,苹果不断扩大在华业务的潜力极大。


When reached, an Apple spokeswoman had not yet received an English transcript of Mr. Cook’s interview with Sina.在记者与苹果联系时,公司的一位女发言人回应,仍未获得库克与新浪对话的英文版专访国史。


