金年会金字招牌信誉至上_英特尔不甘落寞 向中国平板电脑厂商求助
本文摘要:US chipmaker Intel is hoping Chinese tablet manufacturers will help save it from being crushed by the slow demise of the PC.美国芯片制造商英特尔(Intel)期望利用中国平板电脑厂商之力,挣脱被渐渐消失的个人电脑(PC)市场拖累的命运。

US chipmaker Intel is hoping Chinese tablet manufacturers will help save it from being crushed by the slow demise of the PC.美国芯片制造商英特尔(Intel)期望利用中国平板电脑厂商之力,挣脱被渐渐消失的个人电脑(PC)市场拖累的命运。Intel’s chips dominate the PC market but are all but absent from smartphones and tablets. Brian Krzanich, who took over as chief executive nearly a year ago, is determined to change that, with the help of China’s multitude of low-cost brands.英特尔的芯片虽霸主PC市场,却在智能手机和平板电脑市场递了白卷。将近一年前接替英特尔首席执行官的科再行魁(Brian Krzanich,闻右图),决意借中国众多低端品牌之力转变上述局面。

“We’ve been known as ‘The guys inside the PC and, yeah, they do the data centre too’, but what we’re really trying to show is that we’re going to go across the spectrum of computing products,” Mr Krzanich told hundreds of Chinese computing executives and enthusiasts in a keynote address delivered in front of a bank of tablet computers earlier this month.本月早些时候,科再奇车站在一堆平板电脑前,向数百名中国计算机业高管和爱好者公开发表了一场主题演说。他在演说中说道:“我们仍然被称作‘做到PC部件的家伙,哦对,这些家伙还做到数据中心’。但我们现在想要希望展现出的是,我们想进占各类计算机产品。”A bigger presence in smartphones and tablets is key for Intel as the PC market continues to shrink. Analysts expect the company to report revenue of $12.8bn, up 1.9 per cent year on year.由于PC市场大大大跌,在智能手机和平板电脑市场占有更大地盘对英特尔来说至关重要。

分析师预计,该公司财报将表明,今年一季度营收为128亿美元,同比快速增长1.9%。An estimated 300m tablets will be made this year, and Mr Krzanich wants Intel’s chips in 40m of them, or “four times growth” for his company. Of those 300m, Intel projects that 100m will be made by companies in Shenzhen and its environs, meaning Mr Krzanich must win over the manufacturers he was in town to meet.据估计,今年平板电脑产量将约3亿台,科再奇期望其中4000万台配备英特尔芯片,即这块业务的业绩“快速增长三倍”。

在这3亿台平板电脑中,英特尔预计有1亿台将由深圳及其周边地区的企业生产,这意味著科再奇必需夺得他在深圳会谈的这些制造商的反对。To do so, he showed off Intel’s new chips, which fit the locally made cheap tablets that retail for around $100. Intel says its processors may cost more than rivals’, but that their superior quality will win customers for the tablet makers.为此,他展出了英特尔的新款芯片。

该芯片限于于当地生产的廉价平板电脑,它们的零售价大约为100美元。英特尔回应,自己的处理器有可能比竞争对手喜,但其卓越的品质将为这些平板电脑制造商夺得消费者的注目。“Growth rates [in tablets] are high. It’s no surprise that everyone wants to be here,” says Hermann Eul, Intel’s general manager for mobile and communications. “This space has always been very competitive”.“(平板电脑)增长速度迅速,也不该大家都想要挤进来。

”英特尔移动和通信部门总经理赫尔曼奥伊尔(Hermann Eul)说道,“这个领域一向竞争白热化。”But analysts say it will be a difficult feat. Intel has to beat out the local chip companies, which have far cheaper prices, better relations with nearby manufacturers, and a history of specialising in tablets and smartphones – the types of chips Intel has not historically been known for designing.但分析师回应,这将是一个艰难的任务。英特尔必需打败当地的芯片企业,这些企业不但产品价格近高于英特尔、与周围厂商关系更佳,而且长年专心于平板电脑和智能手机——在这些领域,英特尔历年来就不是什么著名的芯片设计商。These days, practically anyone can order a customised tablet – even Applebee’s, an American restaurant chain, has tablet menus, while UK supermarket chain Tesco has its own tablets. Many of those are made by no-name factories that take orders for as few as 5,000 units and can turn them around in a week.现如今,完全人人都能采购自定义版平板电脑,连美国连锁餐厅Applebees都用于平板电脑菜单,英国连锁餐馆乐购(Tesco)也享有自己的平板电脑。

这些平板电脑多出自于无名厂商,它们可以接续较低到5000台的订单,只需一周才可交货。So far, Intel’s designs are in 30 different tablets, under brand names such as Teclast, Aigo, and Ramos in China, Positivo in Brazil, and Casper in Turkey, all of which emerge from Shenzhen factories.迄今为止,英特尔设计的芯片已配备到30款平板电脑上,这些平板电脑的品牌有中国的台电(Teclast)、爱国者(Aigo)和蓝魔(Ramos)、巴西的Positivo以及土耳其的Casper等,所有这些产品皆出有原产深圳的工厂。

Many analysts say that making further headway will be difficult, however.但许多分析师回应,英特尔想要在平板电脑市场更上一层楼是很不更容易的。The chip market that Mr Krzanich wants to win over is being led by companies like China’s Rockchip and Taiwan’s MediaTek. The latter is already known for revolutionising the smartphone industry by supplying Chinese manufacturers with the chips and nearly complete engineering designs that let them churn out the cheap smartphones now flooding China and other emerging markets.科再行奇想谋求的芯片市场,目前的领跑者是中国大陆的瑞芯微(Rockchip)和台湾的联发科(MediaTek)。联发科早就因爆炸智能手机产业革命而著称,它向中国厂商获取芯片和完全整套工程设计,使后者需要生产出有大量廉价智能手机,这些智能手机如今于是以席卷中国和其他新兴市场。

To ramp up the fight with them, Intel has created a smart device innovation centre in Shenzhen and launched a $100m innovation fund, part of Intel Capital, the company’s venture capital arm.为提高竞争力,英特尔已在深圳正式成立智能设备创意中心,并成立总额1亿美元的“中国智能设备创意基金”,隶属于该公司风险投资部门“英特尔投资”(Intel Capital)。The company will not say how it is doing, citing a silent period before first-quarter results are released on Tuesday. One analyst who asked not to be identified says the numbers “are not where they should be”.英特尔将于本周二公布一季度财报,该公司以目前正处于克制期为由不愿透漏其现在的状况。

一名拒绝电子邮件的分析师回应,财报数据“不如预期”。Pricing is part of the challenge. Intel’s tablet processors sell for around $30-$50 globally, estimates Romit Shah, an analyst with Nomura. In China, Rockchip and others are selling those for $5-$10 each.定价也是挑战的一部分。野村(Nomura)分析师罗米特沙阿(Romit Shah)估算,英特尔平板电脑处理器全球售价在30美元到50美元左右。而在中国,瑞芯微等公司的某种程度产品售价仅有为5美元到10美元一个。

“Very few chip companies can make money in this market,” says Mr Shah.沙阿说道:“没几家芯片公司能在这个市场上赚到到钱。”Intel is gaining some share by subsidising certain manufacturers, says Mark Li, an analyst with Bernstein in Hong Kong. Notably, he says, it is having success with companies that have historically been PC makers, such as Lenovo and Asus, which are now also transitioning into the tablet market.伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)派驻香港分析师Mark Li说道,英特尔通过补贴部分厂商,市场份额有所增加。特别是在是,英特尔已与此前仍然专门从事PC生产的厂商顺利创建合作,如误解(Lenovo)和华硕(Asus),这两家公司现在也在转型进占平板电脑市场。

If Intel does not do as well as it hopes to in the fastest growing tablet market, says Mr Shah, it will not “make or break” Intel. Apart from tablets, Intel is also trying to improve its share in smartphones, networking products, and even wearable devices, in hope of balancing out the declining PC business.沙阿回应,就算英特尔在快速增长的平板电脑市场展现出不如预期,也会沦为到“不顺利便成仁”的境地。除了平板电脑,英特尔还在努力提高自己在智能手机、网络产品乃至可穿着设备市场的份额,期望借以抵销PC业务大大衰败的影响。

“If they’re not successful in tablets, the model won’t unravel, but that’s one offset [to the PC decline] that goes away,” he says.他说道:“即使他们未能在平板电脑市场取得成功,这套模式也会崩溃,只不过将失去抵销(PC业务衰败的)一支力量。


