本文摘要:A dramatic plan to transport humans beyond the solar system within 100 years today received the backing of former President Bill Clinton.美国正在积极开展一项取名为“百年星舰”的宇宙探寻计划,期望在百年内需要让人类冲向太阳系,到达其他很远的星球。

A dramatic plan to transport humans beyond the solar system within 100 years today received the backing of former President Bill Clinton.美国正在积极开展一项取名为“百年星舰”的宇宙探寻计划,期望在百年内需要让人类冲向太阳系,到达其他很远的星球。该计划取得了美国前总统比尔克林顿的反对。The 100-year Starship project, which was set up with US military seed funding, plans to develop huge starships to send humans far into space.“百年星舰”计划是用美军的种子基金创办的,将修建大型“星际飞船”,把人类送到太空。It has already received large amounts of funding, and former President Bill Clinton has even stepped in to serve as the symposiums Honorary Chair.该计划已获得大批资金资助,美国前总统克林顿还作为名誉主席参加了研讨会。

In a statement, Clinton said: This important effort helps advance the knowledge and technologies required to explore space, all while generating the necessary tools that enhance our quality of life on earth.克林顿在声明中说道:“这项最重要研究能协助我们促进探寻太空的科学知识和技术,还能让我们生产出有提升地球上人们生活质量的必须工具。”The astronaut who became the first black woman in space in 1992 has been chosen to skipper the 100 Year Starship project.在1992年转入太空的首位黑人女宇航员梅杰米森被选为“百年星舰”计划的首任机长。The 100 Year Starship will make the capability of human travel beyond our solar system to another star a reality over the next 100 years, she said.她说道:“在未来一百年内,‘百年星舰’计划不会让人类冲向太阳系,飞抵其他星球的梦想成真。

”We will embark on a journey across time and space. If my language is dramatic, it is because this project is monumental.“我们将打开横跨时空的星际之旅。如果我说道得过于滑稽的话,那是因为这项计划本身就很有纪念意义。”And our team is both invigorated and sobered by the confidence DARPA has in us to make interstellar flight a reality.“我们的团队充满活力,美国国防高级研究计划署对我们也很有信心,星际飞行的梦想必将成真为。


